本型互感器為戶外環氧樹脂真空澆注結構, 主要適用于額定頻率為50Hz或60Hz, 額定電壓10kV及以下電力系統中作電能計量、 電流電壓測量用。本產品的特點為爬E巨大 , 二次輸出容量大 , 絕緣性能穩定, 耐污穢,抗紫外線, 防酸雨等 ,并可生產帶負控輸出、 電源輸出。
本產品符合標準GB 20840.1-2010 《互感器第1部分:通用技術要求》、 GB 20840.2-2014《互感器第2部分:電流互感器的補充技 術要求》、 GB 20840.3-2013《互感器第3部分:電壓互感器的補充技術要求》和GB 20840.4-2015《互感器第4部分:組合互感器的補充技術要求》。
This type of transformer adopts epoxy-resin vacuum casting structure for outdoor use, is applicable for power systems of rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage up to and including 10kV, used for electric energy metering and current/voltage measurement. It is featured with long creepage distance, high secondary output capacity, stable insulation, excellent performances against pollution, UV or acid rain, etc. Special specifications with load control output and power output are available at request.
It complies with the standards GB 20840.1-2010 Instrument transformers-Part 1: General requirements, and GB 20840.2- 2014 Instrument transformers-Part 2: Additional requirements for current transformers, GB 20840.3-2013 Instrument transfo『mersPa『t 3:Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers, and GB 20840.4-2015 Instrument transformers-Part 4: Additional requirements for combined transformers.
1.Altitude should not exceed 4000m;
2.Ambient temperature: -40℃~+40℃;
3.Air relative humidity:≤85%;
4. Installation site: outdoors。
5.Pollution level: Grade Ill.
1、絕緣水平: 12/42/75kV,7.2/30/60kv;
4、功率因素: cosφ=0.8;
1. Insulation level: 12/42/75kV, 7.2/30/60kV,
2. Rated frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz;
3. Rated two current: 5A or 1A
4. Power factor: cosφ=0.8,
5. Weight: 85kg.